AL-BALAGH: Sanaa weekly, 6-1-98. [Islamic Action Movement (being formed)] [Archives:1998/02/Press Review]
Main Headlines: 1- The Prime Minister: “All subsidized commodities and services must cover at least their cost by the year 2000.” 2- Reported obstacles facing investors in the fisheries sector were rejected by the Minister of Fisheries 3- Yemen is to mediate to between Qatar and Egypt in order to normalize their bilateral relations Article Summary: Counterfeit Cigarettes The National Tobacco and Matches Company (NTMC) announced that poor quality, counterfeit Kamaran cigarettes have been introduced into the Yemeni market. The NTCM which produces the original Kamaran indicated that the forged packets have ‘Pure Virginia Tobacco’ and ‘For Export’ written on them. The aim of this, said an NTMC source, is to destabilize the national economy and harm the citizens’ health. The Yemeni market is flooded with cheap, poor quality cigarettes imported from unknown sources.