AL-JAMHEER: Sanaa weekly, 18-6-98. [Archives:1998/25/Press Review]
(Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party) Main Headline:
1- Ba’ath Secretary General, Dr. Abdulwahab Mahmoud Heads Parliamentary Delegation to Mauritania.
2- Border skirmishes with Saudi Arabia leave 26 dead and several wounded.
3- Yemeni delegation leaves for Damascus to attend conference on tourism.
4- The President receive the Iraqi vice-president, who delivered a message from Saddam Hussein.
5- Men from an Influential Family Threaten a Judge and Prevent Him from Implementing a Court Order Concerning a Land Dispute in Zanzibar, Abyan Governorate.
Article Summary:
Journalists Syndicate in Crisis
By Saeed A. Al-Janahi
The Journalists Syndicate in Yemen is plagued by political maneuvering and the attempts of several parties to take over the organization. The current Central Council, elected in 1990, consists of 25 members (16 are Socialist Party members and sympathizers, 5 belong to the People’s General Congress, 3 Nasserites and 1 is a member of the Unitary Congregation).
The political conflict between the parties composing this board has all but paralyzed the syndicate. Following the ebbing of the Socialist Party influence, the PGC gradually took over by enrolling large numbers of its supporters in the syndicate, which now has 2,600 members.