Al-Mithaq [Archives:2008/1162/Press Review]

May 9 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Top Stories

– President Saleh attends funeral of great revolutionary Abdullah Fishi

– Government forms committee to diagnose public money wastes, suggest workable solutions

– Head of GPC parliamentary caucus: Supreme Commission for Election and Referendum will be formed within Parliament's current session

– GPC announces vision on resuming dialogue with JMP

General People's Congress (GPC), the ruling party in Yemen announced Monday its vision on resuming dialogue with the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) once again in light of the JMP response to a call made by President of the Republic Ali Abdullah Saleh in his address on the 18th National Day directed to the political parties, the website reported. It went on to say that Saleh stressed the adoption of dialogue as a civilized way for dealing with all the issues that concern the homeland according to the Constitution and effective laws placed in effect.

In its vision in this regard, GPC concentrated on certain determinants of the dialogue represented by standing as one rank by the constitutional legitimacy against the elements and secessionist calls and enhancement of the national unity. It also invited all the political parties and organizations to resolutely stand against the sedition inflamed by Al-Houthi, and those supporting him internally and externally.

The GPC's vision regarding dialogue included a number of issues presented for dialogue, more important of which are the draft constitutional amendments, formation of the supreme commission for elections & referendum, and amendment of the elections law that would help create suitable atmospheres for holding the upcoming parliamentary elections on time.

According to the website, as part of its vision, the ruling party also stressed the necessity of unanimously agreeing on stopping the media campaign that would not serve the national interest. The GPC vision mentioned, “The GPC views the importance of commitment to the constitution and the effective laws