Al-Rai_Al-Aam [Archives:2003/676/Press Review]

October 13 2003

7 Oct. 2003
Main headlines:
– GPC and YSP rapprochement threatens the JMP
– Governor of Hadramout involved in operations of selling public pieces of land and sports establishments
– Transport minister Al-A'moudi hampers a number of agreements on transport
– Lukewarm reception of Haitham Qasem Taher by the YSP leaders
– Industry minister opens Ramadhan exhibition in Sana'a
The newspaper editorial a new strike was recently dealt to another Arab country, the republic of Syria and this time by Israel, Tel Aviv has targeted one of the great Arab capitals following the United States had managed to defeat the capital of the Mesopotamia under the support of its satellite Britain amidst silence an ignoring of the Arab rulers. If Syria had been exposed to an ordeal similar to that which the happened in Iraq many of the Arab regimes would adopt a spectator attitude towards it if not that of neutrality. As for political support and creation of a state of tumult, it is the stand of the Arab regimes that are used to do for years. The question is what Arab capital is next? We believe that the talk will continue and this impudent military act by Israel would be accompanied by a political act aimed at blackmailing Syria to the limits and this would make it necessary for the sisterly Syria to seek for creating an international support and conducting a kind of coordination and effective dialogue with capitals in which it feels confidence or sharing it the destiny. Here it seems that Tehran is closer to Damascus than any Arab capital or capitals.