Al-Rai_Al-Aam [Archives:2003/680/Press Review]

October 27 2003

21 Oct.2003
Main headlines:
– Popular dear and denunciation of he trend to cut number of local councils in the capital secretariat
– 2nd local councils conference concluded
– Yemen, deputy chairman of tourism organisation general assembly
– 24 thousand children die every day because of hunger,
– 840 million people, mostly in developing countries, suffer from pains of hunger
– Capital secretariat teachers union threatens by general strike
– Hadramout health bureau effects radical changes
– Coordination committee of industrial research centres in Arab countries holds a meeting
Aden University, president Ali Abdulla Saleh touched on the necessity of students heading for technical education. The same topic he had tackled at a graduation ceremony of the same university last year. It is a great gesture by the president. The great number of secondary school students from various branches is on the increase every year and this creates satisfaction about the spread of education and possibility of getting it by all segments of the people.
The question is that the president's talk about urging students to join technical schools has aroused astonishment of parents of students who have applied to technical institutes in various parts of the republic and who were refused from joining those institutes due the latter's incapability of accepting all those applying for studying in those institutes. The president has been giving his directives for several years to pay attention to technical education and in the last years he gave his directives to the government to consider seriously the technical and vocational education. Now who is responsible for this question, are they the students parents or the government? What is the destiny of secondary school graduates who have not been accepted at those institutes under the slackness of the government in expanding and developing technical and vocational institutes to be able to accommodate the increasing number of students applying to join them?