Al-Sahwa [Archives:2004/801/Press Review]

December 23 2004

16 Dec.2004
Main headlines
– While the committee of development and oil denied, The president gives directives to investigate into issues of oil corruption
– The coming dose, a disaster against the citizen
– Jaheef oil trade union threatens with strike
– One million riyals worth electric equipment lost
– Teachers union in Lahj condemns aggression on its members
– In a lecture at the Yemeni center for strategic studies, China opposed to the tendency of the use of force in international relations
Columnist Zaid al-Shami says in his article the reasonable do plan for the future of their life and exert big efforts for the realization of their goals, but the stupid would only stop at their dreams and hopes. They hope for the improvement of their conditions but would not consider the causes and the factors or the differences among advanced states and the backward ones.
Each country and each people have their crises and problems and impediments they endeavour to come out from. Those who have far-sightedness would succeed even if they possess limited potentialities and hard circumstances and shortage in resources. They overcome all that by good planning and accuracy in implementation and doubling of efforts.
We in Yemen are among the developing countries and have our multilateral problems. Our conditions get sometimes worse and sometimes get better. The great crises, however, are as they are deterioration in services, limitedness in job opportunities, mismanagement, spread of corruption, increase in the area of poverty, weakness of infrastructures, industrial backwardness, food non-self sufficiency and inaccuracy in implementation of projects. All those do double their cost and sometimes we may repeat the project more than once without accountability of the one who was the cause. When the government began with the idea of effecting doses it had promised that it would be for a certain period through which economic failures would be dealt with and good health would be back to the country. It had affirmed that the citizen would entertain prosperity and development and the economy would flourish. It promised that the services would be better and job opportunities would be available as well as the rise in income. After ten years, we have returned to the starting point and now the government is starting from the beginning of the experiment. It has never tried even to rectify the mistakes and study the past experiment. The effect of successive doses is clear and means more corruption and ill implementation of projects, escalation of loans as well as their interests.