Al-Sahwa [Archives:2006/910/Press Review]

January 9 2006

Main headlines

– Opposition blocs in the parliament refuse the state budget, the majority approves it

– Fighting corruption needs no new structures and establishments

– Islah party accused it with providing climates for election frauds, Elections Commission fails to report to the Court of South-West Capital Secretariat

– After Bab Al-Yemen Mosque, Army soldiers pull down another mosque's wall, shoot at citizens

– Islah condemns tourists kidnapping, Third kidnapping operation in the country in les than two months

– In a tempestuous parliament session to endorse state budget, A government tampering with billions, opposition demands for reform, majority legislating corruption

Columnist Zaid Al-Shami says in an article says we hoped that the ruling party would reconsider its address and relationship with the other political forces and considers them as partners rather than subjects or enemies. It has nonetheless maintained its disdain of others and preaching them on how to think and work. It continued using phrases of accusations and humiliations until they had become fixed terms in the GPC dictionary of addresses. What has made it worse is its intentional mixture between the GPC as a ruling party and the homeland possessed by the people of Yemen and in considering itself as the only representative of all the people. This assumption and mixing pushes the brothers in the GPC to go further in despotism and in dealing with others as second or third degree citizens. We wished to listen to criticism of that behavior not to stabilize it, for otherwise there is no meaning for pluralism approved in the constitution.