Al-Samiee to Yemen Times:I am a Unionist, and no one can deny it [Archives:2005/854/Reportage]
Sultan Al-Samiee an MP born in 1960. He is a Taiz Commissioner, married with nine children. He is a member of the Yemeni socialist Party.
He entered into a new conflict with the authorities which politicians believe that he had opened the doors of hell. He is now subjected to fierce criticism from the government and pro government press, accusing him of calling for separation, and to divide Yemen into four regions enjoying self governance. There are some voices demanding the lift of his parliamentary immunity, to prosecute him. He thinks this is because of his reformative ideas.
Mohamed Bin Sallam of Yemen Times has met him, to clear his controversial project
Q: Lately you published an article in a newspaper, suggesting an overture for solving the problem of the Yemeni regime will you shade a brief light on this matter?
A: I am a unionist citizen. No one can deny that. I see that our present situation is deteriorating from one day to another. I suggested an overture for debate. It is not compelling anyone to abide by it. I strongly believe that it is a way out from our political, economical and social dilemma, that we are experiencing in Yemen.
I suggested a viewpoint demanding the amendment of some of constitution articles, which will suit this period. I asked for a type of ruling, that will change the state administration into a supreme Council, and demanded parliamentary rule in Yemen, that will hold the government responsible before the parliament. I also suggested a new administrative division, which constitutes four regions, I called them, the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Regions.
Each Region will contain a number of governorates; there is nothing unusual in that
This campaign, which we witness nowadays, by the authority newspapers, is baseless. ” because this proposed division is an administrative division like any other administrative division of districts and governorates”
President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and all political forces have signed an agreement that will divide Yemen into four parts in the Document of Pledge and Accord.
The president has called for reform.. He was the first who called after the fall of the Iraqi regime asserting that we should reform ourselves before others reform us.
Depending on that, and because our country is in need of reform, I declared these suggestions, and to my amazement they are met with all this unreasonable campaign. It is meant (the campaign) to turn the people's attention away from the poverty, corruption and plunder, with the continuous economical reforms , that will shortly be imposed, a thing that will raise the petrol and gas prices.
I voiced my suggestions out of craving after Yemen unity.
Q: Are you demanding Separation as the formal media says?
A: I didn't ask for separation as the authority press said.
I called for national unity. .Because we are concerned with the country's plight and looking for its good. Everyone should participate in the reform efforts
I never called for any separatative ideas n the contrary we are with national unity, and our ideas are for discussion.
I am not targeting certain people. I am speaking about a reform scheme of Yemen politically, economically, and administratively, to avoid falling into a political swamp, and a civil war that will destroy all.
Q: You besides other politicians ask for a change in the ruling system. Do you mean political reform by that?
A: In my article I said that it was an idea for debate. I said the present form of the rule should be changed, taking in consideration the eminent conditions that would make it possible for all regions to participate in administration, whether on central or local levels.
There are many benefits in regional administration. The prophet, peace be upon him, has sent three messengers to three regions in Yemen.A messenger to each of the regions of Aljand , Sana'a and Hadhramout.
One of the many benefits is the expected peaceful competition between the regions, and the release of creative powers in Yemen to develop their projects. These are benefits, which are internationally experimented.
Consider Malaysia, Where was it at the end of the seventies? Today, when its people forgot all their differences, their creativity sprang forth, although it is divided into about 12 sultanates, ” What do you say to the Malaysian experience, isn't it marvelous?
Even Russia is divided into 3 Administrations. It is a system that is followed in developing countries
Q: How do you suggest the division of the regions on tribal, sectarian or regional basis?
A: First of all I am not a sectarian, these divisions are geographical, all the regions contain neighboring governorates, in short the division is geographical and nothing more. We are against sectarianism.
Q: Why don't you make your point of view on parliamentary rule clear, so that people can have a clear idea about it?
A: The parliamentary rule is found in many countries like Malaysia, Britain, and even Israel. The government will be directly responsible before the people.
As for the head of the state it will be honorary with limited authority, and the power will be between the parliament and the government
Q: What do you mean by the constitutional amendments?
A: I mean the constitutional amendments that will be in agreement with parliamentary system and to restrict the presidency term of office and the jurisdiction of the government, to be like those which are followed in the democratic countries.
I said in my suggested project that the term of office of the supreme council should be six years, and for two consecutive terms of 12 years. It is a suggestion in the end .. if discussed in the different political sectors, we will agree on a ruling system that will suit all.
Q: Why did you choose figures such as Zandani and Hothi, to be on head of some regions?
A: Among my suggestions, there were nine names for the provisional supreme council, that will continue for one and a half year, then a new council will be elected.
Q: Why did you choose Al-zandani in particular, wasn't he the first who opposed the unity?
A: I don't agree with Al-zandani in many cases.
Q: And, why did you choose Al-hothi, is it because he opposes the authorities?
A: I chose these personalities because I want to make a national reconciliation, with all the national powers, especially those who have political differences with the authorities. This will be like the model of the reconciliation of 1970, in which the republicans and the royalists became reconciled, and there were monarch and republican representatives in the republican council and the government.
“the government was formed of the leftist republicans and the right wing monarchs. I mean this model. A national unity for all. To start a new, I chose these names to be in the transitional leading council.
Q: Are your suggestions an alternative for the Document of Pledge and Accord, that was issued by the socialist leadership in 1994, before the war?
A: This are my personal suggestions and have nothing to do with my party, on the contrary the party read these suggestions in the press, I didn't write it in the Socialist newspaper, so, this suggestion is not an alternative. It is meant to pull the country out of a political crisis, which is a destructive plight by all measures.
Q: What about the demands that are released by many of the socialist leaders, and other Yemeni symbols, inside and outside, to alter the course of the unity, are you with or against this and how?
A: If the alteration is for the political, social and economical reform, that unifies Yemen I am certainly with it. But if the if it is for separation, I am certainly against it. I still insist that I am a unionist
Q: So, You are not with the present ruling system, are you?
A: I am against the present ruling system till it reforms itself.
Q: Some newspapers said that there are political and public parties who demanded the trial of Al-samie, for his call of separation, and the division of Yemen into four regions, what do you say to that? Is it instigation or a settlement of old enmities?
A: These are pro government papers. They try to burnish the governments image. They have no constitutional grounds for lifting my parliamentary immunity, or to indict me.
I defy them to present a petition to the parliament or the court to prove their groundless allegations.. it is their habit to black mail ,terrorize and silence others. I consider it a storm in a cup of tea that will soon die away.
Q: What is your opinion of the crisis between Al-hothi and the Authorities?
A: I didn't use to care about Al-Hothi case since it began, .. I know that the authorities had supported him before, then they quarreled.
I wished that the war in Sadaa didn't take place for it was a loss for both the people and the army ,and a loss for the whole Yemeni people ultimately.
Q: A final word to add?
A: We hope that our friends abroad, in peace loving countries, in the east and west, would stand with the reforms in Yemen, I mean that they interfere only with advice because they have democratic experience. They should criticize anti democratic actions. We hope they will stand by our side until we reach their democratic level. And advise our authority in how to deal with democracy.