Al-Shoura [Archives:2004/734/Press Review]
28 Apr 2004
Main headlines
– Corruption devours billions in oil sector
– Fate of Ubeid is shrouded with ambiguity by influential people
– Since its running in 1994,
– Tawfeeq Abdulraheem refuses to pay lease of the airport patrol station
– Saeed Thabet maintains his journalistic work while waiting for appeal ruling
– Local sit-in in Radafan and Qbeeta in protest to non-implementation of projects and stealing of poor allowances
– Iraq last quagmire for American hegemony
The political editor of the newspaper says the stand of the parliament regarding the oil scandal is a significant turning-point in its work of which we have been used to have it passing over issues and does not care about its authorities and tasks and specialties. That has made the Yemeni citizen almost lose his trust in the parliament.
The MPs, including those representing the ruling party, have found themselves before their responsibility towards the oil scandal and therefore they have taken none can deny its being a principled one and rejecting corruption. This represents a positive initiative and shining sign for those parliamentarians who decided to be biased to the people and voters and future.
All those MPs who have taken the principled stance of refusing corruption, injustice and violation of law and rights and freedoms, declaring their siding with the citizen and the homeland would find themselves in confrontation with all who target the homeland's right and the rights of the citizen as reflected by the scandal of oil that our government has committed. The responsible stance taken by the parliament members ho refused the deal should be said that their stance deserves praise and we hope that it would be an introduction to other and other stances facing corruption and refusing passing on of corrupt interests.