AL-SHOURA: (Weekly) 26-10-97. [Archives:1997/44/Press Review]

November 3 1997

(Federation of Popular Forces)
News Review: 1) After the death of 2 prisoners, opposition parties demand investigation into conditions at Sawlaban prison in Lahj. 2) Widepread popular discontent continues due to raising diesel prices – parliament discusses alternatives. 3) Forming new 15-member Supreme Elections Committee cuses disputes in parliament. 4) Old blood feuds led to 14 dead and 14 injured in tribal armed confronattion in Beihan. 5) Teachers’ Syndicate condemns resorting to tribal code for solving teacher-student problems – teacher threatened by his students brought his kinsmen to beat them up. 6) Opposition parties form committee to defend Hahdramau unity. 7) Incompetent surgeon referred to prosecutor – patient had a piece of gauze forgetten in her stomach after operation and another died during histerectomy. 8) Students in Zanzibar, Abyan went on the rampage in protest over collapse of school brick fence.