AL-SHOURAH: Sanaa weekly, 11-1-98. (Federation of Popular Forces Party) [Archives:1998/03/Press Review]
Main Headlines: 1- As a sign of discontent, workers in the Yemeni National Petroleum Co. donned red badges demanding salary increases. 2- Yemen has submitted solid documentary proof as to its right to the Hunaish Island. 3- In new indications to a thaw in Yemen-Kuwaiti relations, Kuwaiti MPs declare their intention to participate in Arab parliamentarians conference in Sanaa next March. Article Summary: Parties’ Agreement Six different opposition parties issued on January 1st an agreement of principles on trade unions and NGOs which stipulated the following: 1- emphasizing the people’s right to organize themselves into trade unions and syndicates; 2- respecting the freedom and independence of trade unions and NGOs; 3- democratically managing these organizations; 4- defending the rights of the members of these organizations’; 5- opposing any attempts to misuse these organizations’ funds; and 6- the signatory parties will work on issuing the relevant law to implement these principles.