Al-Shumoo [Archives:2003/645/Press Review]

June 26 2003

21 June 2003
The newspaper editorial says the aggressive and colonialist attacks the Arab nation is exposed to, led by Washington and Tel Aviv, are in fact representing a battle of destiny between two civilizations. It is a battle traced back to 1400 years. The main data of this war are our sublime culture and the humanitarian values curricula. We have therefore to comprehend the danger of the nature of this battle and live to its level. It is a battle between the civilization of humanity and the culture of colonialism and Zionism and the new enslaver that exceeded its military capability to its might for imposing its colonialist culture. The new colonialist culture aims at deforming our civilization and justice of our mission and religion and our revolutionary ideology against the Zionist colonization in Palestine and the American in Iraq. The situation is heading to imposing essential on education curricula including our country. It is a very dangerous matter whose effect and danger exceed the military colonization present in Palestine and Iraq because the nature of military colonialism generates the culture of liberation and struggle. This is in fact the ugliest kind of colonialism throughout history.