Al-Shumoo [Archives:2005/888/Press Review]

October 24 2005

15 Oct. 2005
Main headlines

– Sana'a insists on his demand, politicians: the ball at Riyadh field and the treaties of Jeddah and Taif at stake, Officially and popularly Yemen waits for Saudi Arabia handing over al-Asnaj

– WTO sets a condition of establishment of stock market and cancellation of exclusive trade agencies

– Al-Mouyad in intensive care, the national committee accuses Washington of intentional negligence

– A GPC newspaper mentions in the name of the CIA, claiming transcontinental Yemeni terror

The newspaper's political editor mentions in his article that the American ambassador to Yemen must realize well what kind of responsibility on his shoulder as a diplomat representing a superpower that must be characterized by many values and behavior rising to the level at which they should be. The American ambassador in this context probably realizes his authorities and tasks that do not give him the right to exceed them and to install himself a ruler in our country to issue his evaluation on the Yemeni internal affair particularly the issue of democracy which he deals with between the conditions of tide and ebb as he likes, in addition to his meetings with some of those who intend to go beyond the national constants. This matter has reflected itself on all segments of the Yemeni society producing resentment to those provocations especially that they are voiced by a personality that should not involve itself in such matters and sayings.

It is not among democracy high standards for another to interfere in our own internal affairs or to grant to or withhold his blessings whenever he wishes. Such a stance has nothing to do with diplomacy and adroitness as much as violation of what is known in the international community and rules of diplomatic career. Such behavior also expresses a state of pride and gratification of a self desire for hegemony and demonstration of power beginning from the head of the White House to the American ambassador to our country and to other countries. The result would be non-respect of sovereignty and independence of states, interference in internal affairs and creation of a kind of confusion in the democratic process.