AL-TAJAMMU’: Aden weekly, 19-1-98. [Archives:1998/04/Press Review]

January 26 1998

(Yemeni Unitary Congregation Party)
Main Headlines:
1- Mismanagement of the Ministry of Interior retirement fund has sent fears among retired employees.
2- Oil production in Yemen is to reach half a million barrels by end of 1998.
3- Three opposition figures go on hunger strike for being detained without charges for two months in an Abyan prison.
Article Summary:
Public Administration & Despotism – editorial
In his customary Ramadhan meeting with ministers, MPs, members of the Consultative Council, and other prominent figures, the President called for discarding all past conflicts and putting the nation’s interests above all other considerations. The official media, however, is still waging its campaign against all opposition parties. The state, with all its organs, is  propagating a culture of subjugation among the people.
The recent criticism of the 1998 budget by the Islah bloc in parliament does not solicit this all-encompassing attack by the official media on all opposition parties. Financial and administrative reforms do not mean starving the people as the current budget is likely to lead to.
