AL-TAJAMMU’: Aden weekly, 5-1-98. (Yemeni Unitary Congregation Party) [Archives:1998/02/Press Review]

January 12 1998

Main Headlines: 1- Condolences on the death of Omar Al-Jawi continue to pour in at party headquarters from Yemeni and Arab figures and organizations 2- The Aden Refinery spent $500,000 in 1997 on financing medical treatment for its ill workers abroad 3- Malaria & worms are prevalent in Moseimar, Lahaj, because of the widespread of marshes and stagnant ponds Article Summary: What sort of privatization is this? by Mohammed Shayadil Despite the calls to prepare Aden to become an international port, it seems that all the ailments plaguing the port of Hodeida have been transferred to Aden. The loading and unloading of ships’ cargoes in Aden are being given to private firms operating in Hodeida, which led to the deterioration of similar services in that port. Services in the port of Aden were going very smoothly. There is no need to privatize them. The container platform cost the port authorities $40 million, and it is being handed over to incompetent private operators. There is nothing wrong with privatization, except when it is used as a tool to benefit and favor a number certain individuals.