AL-TARIQ: Aden weekly, 25-8-98. [Archives:1998/35/Press Review]
(Independent) Main Headline:
1- Yemeni government denies that Bin Laaden owns a pottery plant in Yemen.
2- An unknown Islamic group calling itself the Aden Islamic Army has threatened to target US interests in Yemen. It declared an “all-out war in response to the US bombing of Sudan and Afghanistan.”
3- A bomb explosion near a restaurant in Dhali’ injures 10 people.
4- A leading sheikh of the Waila tribe of Saada expressed his tribe’s willingness to host Bin Laaden.
5- An opinion poll conducted by the London weekly – Al-Mostaqilla – in Hadhramaut indicates that people there reject the proposed division of their governorate.
6- Authorities in Hawta, Lahaj, detain a number of housing beneficiaries to force them to give up their (nationalized) homes to the previous owners.
7- Unregulated fishing could lead to the extinction of Yemen’s rock lobster.
Article Summary:
Army & Taxes
By Ali H. Al-Gharib
raising fuel prices has increased the government’s revenue by about YR 10.5 billion; and, the partial lifting of the wheat subsidy provides about YR 16 billion. Public expenditure, on the other hand, was increased in the wrong sectors.
Security received a rise of about YR 3.6 billion, the presidential office got YR 16.5 billion, and the foreign service YR 1.1 billion. Other big rises in expenditure on the army and the tribes are also reported. About 80% of the people in or close to the government do not pay taxes. The poor are most hard hit by this unbalanced equation.