AL-THAWRI: Sanaa weekly, 12-3-98. [Archives:1998/11/Press Review]

March 16 1998

(Yemeni Socialist Party – YSP)   Main Headline:
1- A new YSP office opened in Qatan, Hadhramaut.
2- A number of political organizations and prominent figures have condemned legal and constitutional violations at Sanaa Airport.
3- Opposition parties call for the release of Sheikh Bohaisi who has been detained without formal charges since 7 February.
4- A booby-trapped doll injures a little girl in Aden.
5- Family of a pilot arrested during 1994 war, when his plane was downed, calls for his release.
Article Summary:
Human Rights Violations
In its report for 1997, the Yemeni Organization for Defending Human Rights had indicated that there were 358 unlawful arrests, 18 assassinations, 28 disappearances, 10 assaults, and 9 abductions of foreign tourists and expatriate workers. The organization’s deputy secretary-general said that 1997 witnessed an increase in human rights violations, especially immediately before and after the April 27 general elections. At that time, the authorities sent troops to the governorates whose people decided to boycott the elections.
The report also mentioned those who disappeared during the 1994 war and whose fate is not yet known. Incidents of death due to torture are also cited by the report in various prisons and detention camps around the country.
