Al-Thawry [Archives:2006/914/Press Review]

January 23 2006

19 Jan. 2006
Main headlines

– The Washington Post: Yemen tribes, poverty, bullets and absent development

– YSP assistant secretary-general stresses the party stand regarding the case of Jarallah Omar assassination

– Political and social organizations in Aden denounce closure of Radafan Society and freezing of its assets

– Trial of defendants in kidnapping 5 Italian tourists in Mareb, begins

– Names of children registered in voters' record

– Employees of Hudeida Land Office begin open strike

On the Joint Meeting Parties initiative for the political reform, columnist Najib Abdulrahman Saeed writes saying at last the parties of the JMP have presented their vision of the reform of the political situation through an initiative called initiative for the comprehensive political reform. My concern here is not to study or analyze what the initiative has contained but rather I would try to read it and deduce its implications.

The initiative bears more than one indication and introduces important things mainly:

– The opposition parties have put their foot on the right course of true opposition away from courtesies or fear or ambition. The proof are the subjects it has presented including constitutional reforms, accountability of the president of the republic and his authorities, calling for reducing them, the necessity of the army and security forces being under responsibility of the cabinet.

– The opposition parties have given priority to the national interest against all partisan or personal interests, taking forward steps and realized lessons of the past.

– Touching on the issue of removing sequels of the 1994war as a demanded question in the reform of the political situation in Yemen is considered a strategic dimension of this initiative.

– Introduction of the initiative under the present social, economic and political circumstances that are leading to comprehensive deterioration in institutions of the state have founded an essential basis for the initiative, marginalizing the value of he past differences.

Success or failure of this initiative depends on the extent of the opposition power of firmness in protecting its alignment and resisting all upcoming temptations. The opposition has to stage a peaceful struggle for the sake of translating it realistically.