Al-Umma [Archives:2003/643/Press Review]

June 19 2003

12 June 2003
Columnist Ahmed Abdulrahman Jahaf says tackling the issue of corruption as a subject death with in our party organ newspapers in Yemen did not emerge but with the declaration of the Yemeni unity and as an aspect of the unity and the democratic regime. Corruption in its comprehensive and complete meaning is not confined only to exploiting the public property by those influential who are contaminated with this disease. It is also the side contradicting the concepts of ethics, humanity and ideology.
To achieve administration reform certain steps must be followed:
It is important to:
-lay principle and condition of the professionalism in the process of employment in compatible with purposes of the site of the employment inside the state system,
-reconsider of situation of cadres inside the state institutions and to place proper person in proper place, as a profession and rank,
-to establish an apparatus or administration inside the ministry of civil services that can be called the administration that defines condition of the job,
-cancel authorities granted to senior officials enabling them to nominate the one who is to occupy the job and give that right the authority of the ministry of civil services exclusively, on condition that it would not contradict professionalism conditions of the required job.