AL-UMMA: Sanaa (Weekly) 13-11-97. (Al-Haq Party) [Archives:1997/46/Press Review]

November 17 1997

Main Headlines: 1- Foreign Minister, Dr. Al-Iryani accuses opposition of being behind kidnapping of foreign tourists 2- Decision to form new Supreme Elections Committee angers opposition – many political forces are excluded 3- Doctor in Hodeida hospital assaulted by army colonel and his body guards Article Summary: Smuggling Gang Arrested A car stopped by border guards near Haradh, Saada, was found to be carrying 515 rare manuscripts. The manuscripts, hidden in cardboard boxes and covered with reeds, were to be taken to Saudi Arabia. Sources have indicated that a large smuggling ring has been uncovered, operating in Saada, Sanaa, and Hadhramaut.
