AL-UMMAH: Sanaa weekly, 25-12-97. (Al-Haqq Party) [Archives:1997/52/Press Review]
Main Headlines: 1- 88,000 illegal aliens were deported from Yemen 2- Seminar on Red Sea security held Yemeni government responsible for loss of Hunaish Island 3- Government to form national committee to address Yemeni-Saudi border issue Article Summary: Yemeni Children in UN Reports In a press conference held in Sanaa, the UNICEF representative revealed that more than 250 Yemeni children die of malnutrition every day. The UNICEF report indicated that about 31% of the Yemeni population suffer from some sort of malnutrition, higher than the 30% average in some famine-stricken African countries. On another level, other UN reports have indicated that about 45% of school-age Yemeni children are actually out of school. Also, about 25% of Yemeni children are involved in physically demanding agricultural work.