AL-WAHDA: Sanaa weekly, 15-4-98. [Archives:1998/16/Press Review]
(Semi-official) Main Headline:
1- Return of Prime Minister is imminent – official sources deny allegations that an alternative coalition government will be formed.
2- Foreign Minister visits Djibouti to strengthen ties and head Yemeni delegation in joint-committee meetings.
3- Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf: “The President does not need absolute loyalty or sycophancy.”
4- More than 53,000 persons cast their votes in complementary elections at 4 unrepresented constituencies.
5- In view of UN Human Rights Committee’s decision to stop looking into the human rights situation in Yemen, the Head of Liberties and Human Rights Committee in parliament, said: “Yemen has made a lot of progress in the protection and respect of human rights.”
Article Summary:
Embezzlements in External Trade Est.
By Ahmed Al-Homaiqani
Official sources have indicated that no decision has yet been reached regarding the embezzlements discovered at the Central Bakery in the External Trade and Grains Establishment. A process of inventory-taking conducted last December revealed the misappropriation of YR52 million, of which YR19 million was missing from the Bakery coffers. The remaining YR33 million was missing from the revenue of goods sold by the Bakery’s warehouse. The keeper of the warehouse and the Bakery’s treasurer are both under investigation by the Establishment itself, while, they should really be referred to the Public Funds Prosecutor Office.
It seems that some influential individuals involved in the case are attempting a cover-up. The whereabouts of the misappropriated funds are still unknown.