Al-Wahdawi [Archives:2003/682/Press Review]
28 Oct.2003
Main headlines:
– The government ignores the liquefied gas and its smuggling operations
– Iraq, support for resistance and expulsion of occupation
– In Bier Basha in Taiz, breaking through a business shop and attacking its owner by police members
– Hisbollah repels Zionist raids and carries out counterattacks
The newspaper’s political editor says we hear some voices calling for supporting Iraq; in reconstruction and humanitarianly, as if Iraq is still in possession of destiny and preserving its sovereignty and independence and not occupied by an enemy that killed its sons and destroyed all means of its life, and toppled its internationally-recognised political regime. This is the American aggression and occupation, how come then is it possible to help Iraq under the presence of this suppressive terrorist aggression and occupation that storms houses of the citizens and every day kills the people singly and in groups in addition to stealing its properties? Don’t these voices that did not demand for that throughout the years of blockade against Iraq that caused the death of its sons and destroyed its installations and agriculture that by doing so they are seeking to benefiting and supporting the American occupation and prolonging its presence?
Those who want to support Iraq and really cooperate with he Iraqi people have only one option and that is the support of the resistance till the victory and expulsion of the American occupation for good.