Al-Wahdawi [Archives:2004/747/Press Review]
8 June 2004
Main headlines
– Government insistence on destroying the Free Zone
– Air Force commands escape delivering 72 millions as compensations for citizens
– Dispute over building a mosque, Security authorities close a mosque, arrest 8 prayers in Aden
– Security storming and interference continue against headquarters of physicians and pharmacists union in Taiz
– Damt prosecution launches storming campaigns against tourist hotels, detain workers
– In Aden, security authorities send persons accused of currency forfeiting to prosecution
– America offers $14 million to finance development projects in Yemen
The newspaper's political editor says the role the United Nations is playing in Iraq so far is suspicious, serves the American aggression and occupation and has no relationship to Iraq's freedom and sovereignty. It does orbit in the satellite of the American occupation scheme to help it impose as rulers those who entered Iraq on the American tanks and armoured vehicles. It is a fact that international laws prevent the occupying forces from the establishment of civilian governments and regimes as those are considered part of the sovereign rights the peoples themselves practice by elections after departure of occupation.
Any civil governance coming via occupation and aggression could not acquire any popularity because it does depend on occupation forces and could not rule without them as it sees the enemy as a friend and occupation as liberation and plunder and destruction as democracy. The presence of occupation prevents legitimacy, confiscates sovereign rights and abolishes the role of democratic freedom in engaging all national forces in elections particularly the forces of resistance.