Al-Wahdawi [Archives:2008/1118/Press Review]

January 7 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Top Stories

– Over one million people attend funeral services of Parliament Speaker

– JMP: Yemen lost a great personality that contributed much to defending Revolution

– Four people reportedly killed in an arm market blast

– Indian universities begin to take procedures preventing Yemeni students from attending classes over intuition fees held-up

– JMP laments loss of great leader

– Sana'a Airport authorities attack pilgrims' recipients

Happiness has turned into rage on the part of those anxiously waiting to receive their relative pilgrims at the Sana'a International Airport as the airport officers attacked them several and beat them with sticks and jiggles, the NUPO's mouthpiece reported in a front page story. It quoted eyewitnesses as saying that Central Security personnel barbarically beat persons waiting for their relative pilgrims and pointed their pistols at them at 2 a.m. because of their protests against favoritism exercised by police officers who allowed four recipients to wait for their relatives inside the arrival room but prevented others from entering the room.

The paper went on to say that the victims complained that the security officers at the airport tried more than one time to enrage them and take them implicitly to quarrel, using ugly expressions and badmouthing, as well as directing sticks at their heads. Another eyewitness also revealed that the police officers insulted a Yemeni Jewish citizen, who was lining up among the recipients and drove him away from the airport's gate as he attempted to inquire them about the time of the flight's arrival.

According to the weekly, the Jewish citizen was subjected to badmouthing and slandering by the gate officer, who said, “A Jew with his girdle came. Underdog move away,” pointing the stick at his face. Unless the Jewish was wise enough to leave silently without any reaction, he would certainly quarrel and clash with the stupid officers. The eyewitnesses expressed concern over the intimidation of an 8-year-old child by police. Horrified by the police's behavior, the child ran away toward his mother who was standing at the gate of the Arrival Hall.