AL-WAHDAWI: Sanaa weekly, 12-5-98. [Archives:1998/20/Press Review]

May 18 1998

(Nasserite Unionist Party)   Main Headline:
1- Opposition MPs question the Minister of Defense on press reports on government intentions to provide military facilities in Yemen for the US armed forces.
2- Former PM, Bin Ghanim will not withdraw his resignation. Former PM, Abdulaziz Abdulghani is the most likely candidate.
3- New 1000-riyal banknote is to be introduced next June.
4- Parliament orders its Civil Liberties Committee to return to Mukallah to re-investigate the shooting incident at a demonstration last April.
5- Sanaa teachers demonstrate in protest over a four-month delay in payment of their salaries.
Article Summary
Elections Irregularities
By Mohammed H. Al-Farah
Fresh evidence indicates that gross violations took place during the general elections of April, 1997. Rosters of the electorate in various governorates were tampered with.
People below the legal age of voting were registered and ordered to vote for the ruling People’s General Congress. Voters who were already registered during 1993, especially members of the military, re-registered themselves to be able to vote twice. The names of dead people were not omitted from the registers, either.
These irregularities were uncovered when a comparison was conducted between the number of people aged 18 and above and the number of registered voters in a given area. The former were found to be more than the latter.
