AL-WAHDAWI: Sanaa weekly, 13-1-98. [Archives:1998/03/Press Review]
(Nasserite Unionist Party)
Main Headlines: 1- The government sends a message to Saudi Arabia accepting international arbitration to resolve border dispute. 2- Upon the opposition parties’ request, the government is to request UN permission to send an airplane full of food and medical supplies to Iraq. 3- Nasserites celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of Jamal Abdulnasser – 15 January. 4- The Islamist and pan-Arab nationalist movements discuss a joint political action plan. Article Summary: YSP Accuses The Yemeni Socialist Party’s (YSP) secretariat in Aden has accused the security organs of being behind the recent, so-called “204 declaration,” which was supposedly issued by 204 YSP members demanding the replacement of the party leadership. The YSP statement said that the 204 declaration is a flagrant attempt by the ruling authorities to divide the party. The authorities had previously installed a YSP splinter group along with its own newspaper in Aden.