AL-WAHDAWI: Sanaa (Weekly) 21-10-97. (Nasserite Unionist Party) [Archives:1997/43/Press Review]
Main Headlines: 1) Saudi Arabia Prepares to Occupy Land with the Biggest Oil Reserve in Yemen 2) In Flagrant Constitutional Violation, Parliament Agrees to Opening New Credits for 1997 Budget 3) Armed Tribal Groups Block Sanaa-Taiz Road and Hold Some Government Cars in Protest Over Raising Diesel Prices From 6 to 10 Riyals a Liter 4) PSO Breaks into Home of Exiled Col. Abdulrahman Hareeri, his Family Complained to Yemeni Human Rights Organization Article Summary: Illegal Visas & Red Nights in Sanaa Hearings held at the South Sanaa court have revealed the involvement of several Yemenis, Arabs and European diplomats in a vice and fake-visa ring. For lack of evidence, however, a Yemeni and two Sudanese – accused of facilitating the issuance of visas to the Czech Republic – were released. It was alleged that 508 illegal visas were issued to mainly Iraqi citizens by an officer at the Czech embassy in Sanaa in return for as much as $4,000 a head. The court case was filed by an Iraqi employee at the Czech embassy. Banquets bringing together foreign diplomats, call girls, and Arab citizens were held at Al-Mankal restaurant in Sanaa. Alcohol was also served at these illicit parties. The Jordanian restaurant owner and his Iraqi wife were also implicated in the court case, but the charges could not be proven.