AL-WAHDAWI: Sanaa weekly, 23-12-97 [Archives:1997/52/Press Review]
(Nasserite Unionist Party)
Main Headlines: 1- Yemen publicly accuses Saudi Arabia of involvement in subversive acts in Yemen 2- Man accused in Aden bombings disclosed during his trial harrowing details of mental & physical torture 3- UNICEF report: 250 Yemeni children die of malnutrition every day Article Summary: Authority & Border Problems – By Abdulrahman Saif The Yemeni-Saudi border issue is one of the most critical problems that threaten peace and stability in the region. Since the end of the civil war between the royalists and republicans in 1970, the Saudi government has been providing certain Yemeni partisan, military, tribal, and government individuals continuous financial handouts. Hence, the interests of these people have become inextricably intertwined with those of Saudi Arabia. This means a partial loss of Yemen’s sovereignty, giving more momentum to the Saudi encroachment on Yemeni lands. Thus, the border talks have remained the prerogative of the ruling elite; while, the nation has been denied its say in its future. Despite Yemen’s military power, it still plays a minor role in the region, even when facing smaller and weaker neighboring countries.