An Open Letter to President Saleh [Archives:2007/1048/Letters to the Editor]

May 7 2007

Hasheem Ahmed Lotf
AlMansoura – Aden
[email protected]

Dear Mr.President,

I am one of millions of your admirers and surpoters. Due to the suffering of your beloved people and the unbearable situations, I have been pushed to write to plead to you for you are the father of this nation so as to intervene directely in the unthinkable rate of inflation that makes your people suffer. As a result, about 70 percent of your citizens are no more affording the three daily meals,including myself,and the ones, that are lucky to get them, don't eat to satisfaction,talkless of clothing,shelter,health, and education.

Abu Ahmad,on sevaral occations,you have given directives on this issue,but our officials in charge are not doing anything about it because they are not experiancing what we, the masses, are suffering from.I believe, sir, and all people will agree with me, that if these officials are relying on their actual salaries and allowances, which they earn legally, they could have done something long time ago for 80 percent of the life standard they have now will be missing.

Our dear leader, our appointed officials forget our present taste of the bitterness of our situations. The reason I said this is that majority of them are from poor families like us. For, I believe that they have tasted the difficulties some time in the past. But now, most of them are proud of their positions and offices, which make them forget the main task behind their tenures, that is to serve the people and the nation .

Father of all, we are your citizens who love you and believe that you want to bring changes to the situations in the country, but most of our senior officials are breaking your efforts by co-operating with our importers,producers,big merchants,distributors, and contractors.

your excellency, i am surgesting that the goverment should determine the percentage of profits to be made by the above mentioned busnessmen and their companies for things imported or locally produced. Second, the international prices of imported things should be published at least monthly on our dailies. By doing these, the issues of our economy will be sorted out and resolved. Also, the devaluation of our currency, which is a cover as we know, will be overcome.

At large, I pray for peace and stability in our beloved country. I ask Allah to destroy who are behind the Sa'ada conflicts and their allies and grant them consequences of their bad intentions. Also, I pray for your victory, sir, and your effots in all fields of unity, stability, and development. Ameen.

Yours sincerely