Annas [Archives:2003/691/Press Review]
1 Dec. 2003
Main headlines:
– A committee for investigation in ” Saif Bin Thiyazzan” scandal
– Human Rights center in Taiz stormed, its personnel attacked
– Accusations against Yemen on collaborating with America in al-Mouayad case
On the phenomenon of goods smuggling columnist Ma'ath al-Shara'bi says the phenomenon of importing from places other than the country of origin is a trading activity emerged largely in the recent times exploiting the principle of free external trade and not abiding by controls and rules of the WTO. This has created an unequal competition represented by flooding markets with expired goods or unknown identity or violating specifications or health conditions. Goods that are nearly expired and those that lost their specifications are re-exported to our local markets official ways or through smuggling and most of them are food stuffs. Importing from countries other than the origin has many effects on the national economy because smuggling is threatens the state economy and life of the society s well. Among the main harms inflicted on our national economy as a result of smuggling are:
– this activity has nothing to do with the principle of the free trade and its controls and also the principle of competition in addition to its being destructive to the national economy, particularly financially,
– the beneficiaries of this activity are the pirates and those who tend to sabotage he economy. They do not care about pushing into the market any goods on condition they get profits. Here in this case there is the lack of specifications and quality,
– such an activity also causes damage to the local capital which is part of the public property. It would lead to closing down local factories due to flooding markets in an unorganized and unstudied manner with cheap products but useless,
– this activity would also affect the national economy in that it would cause the loss of equal opportunities agreed upon among the states.
– such an unstudied or unmonitored activity inflicts on the economy heavy losses because the balance of payments goes not in favour of Yemen.