Annas [Archives:2003/693/Press Review]
8 Dec. 2003.
Main headlines:
– Caused by plan for expanding Amran cement factory, Amran residents demand damages and end of coercion
– A youth commits suicide for fear of vengeance after firing shots at pedestrians
– New rise in prices of oil products beginning of 2004
Columnist Nasser Yahy has written an article saying the project of building the gas power station deserves to be described as a strategic project but it is not worth of this description unless he prolongation of finishing the project deserves that many would really exert much efforts to know about the cause of the delay that befell such a vital project that had been thought about sine the half of the nineties and should have been in actual implementation at the end of the 1996 and to be finished in May 1997. Since 1997 the project of the gas power station remained the focus of news and announcements on its being finished in the near future. Last week an official announced in a press statement that the project had entered the stage if implementation and expected to be finished in 2006. Thus the project has taken ten years to be completed. Is it true that our country was unable to build this station whether by local efforts or by giving concession to a special company? The government has executed big projects throughout the past years that could be of the size or bigger of this station. There must be some secret behind all this and we only need some light to discover it.