Annas [Archives:2004/785/Press Review]

October 28 2004

25 Oct.2004
Main headlines
– Acute gas crisis heralding the approach of a new price dose
– Journalists syndicate renews its demand for his release, al-Khaiwani case discussed in the European Union and world journalists union
– Information ministry abolishes license of al-Nida'a newspaper
– Yemeni trade unions form their higher council
– Thamar University professors stage strike

Columnist Dr Hosni al-Jawsha'ie says in an article the American president has in the mid of October signed a law on anti-Semitism. A law bearing in its details many racist meanings and places the Jews above an accountability and above the international law. Even just a criticism of any conduct the Jews do against the Arabs or Palestinians, critics are exposed to criminal accountability and pursuit by the United States. The law prohibits any attack on Jews, civilians or military but does not prrevent the Jews of committing any attack against the Arabs or the Palestinians. The law prevents any talk about the Zionist crimes against the Palestinians and destruction of their houses. Any writer talking about those crimes he is considered a criminal in the eyes of the American law and must be arrested and punished. The law was issued two weeks before the date of the American elections as a kind of political hypocrisy for begging votes of the Jews of America. This law is abnormal by all standards, international laws, and norms. The question is what is the stand of Arab regimes towards this strange law? Up till now, none of the Arab rulers dared to criticize it. If we keep silent towards this law, it is expected there would be other laws incriminating any country that does not establish relationship with Israel and prohibits teaching the Holy Koran at schools.