Annas [Archives:2007/1042/Press Review]

April 16 2007

April 9
Main Headlines

– President Saleh: The new cabinet have absolute powers, nobody is allowed to interfere in its affairs

– Head of PGC parliamentary bloc claim transferring power from influential persons to institutions

– Political Advisor to President Saleh lashes out at reform critics

– New Prime Minister vows not to give any chance to corruption in his government

– Former Primer Minster: Improving living standards of people is a top priority

– US State Department's report accuse Yemeni authorities of restricting transfer of power

A report released by the U.S. Department of State on human rights state in Yemen for the year 2006 blamed the Yemeni authorities for imposing restrictions on the peaceful transfer of power, the paper reported. According to the report, the authorities restrict the abilities of citizens in some areas to change the government through periodic elections. It accused the Yemeni government of corruption, vote fraud and mismanagement. “Citizens re-elected President Ali Abdullah Saleh for a another seven-year mandate in strongly competitive elections that experienced various violations such the exploitation of state's facilities in favor of the ruling party's candidate,” the report commented.

The newspaper quoted the report as saying the General People Congress candidate won the country's highest political post through unfair elections after the ruling party used all the state's facilities during the campaigns and rallies of its candidates.