Arab & Islamic ‘submits’ [Archives:2003/627/Letters to the Editor]

March 17 2003

Susan Murray
[email protected]

I think that the recently held Arab and Islamic summits should be called 'Arab and Islamic submits'. As for Arab summits, that is obvious because Arab leaders have submitted themselves to the US and you don't need to have a PhD to figure this out.
Concerning Islamic summits, please don't call them so because Islam is a noble religion, and a true Muslim will not sell his body and soul to the US. How dare we call ourselves Muslims when:
We have freely and willingly given bases to the US, and from those bases the attack on Iraq will be launched and millions of innocent Muslims will be killed.
We have created an army not to defend your country but to oppress our people.
Please don't call yourselves Muslims when what you practice is totally against Islamic teachings.
I have been to a number of Arab countries and I have seen Muslims by name and without true Islam. I have seen corruption and discrimination as Muslims are discriminated against other Muslims. And the list goes on.
Please wake up People are not fools and they are aware of your game but to my regret are too weak to revolt and replace their leaders with true Muslims.
Mark my word, the Americans have a big agenda for you people, Iraq first and it will be followed by Syria, Lebanon, Iran and the list goes on until the Americans have fulfilled the Zionist dream.
You all have been colonized either by the British or the French and you have not learnt your lesson.
We all know that Saddam Hussein is not an angel, and we know that in order for the Americans to fulfill their plan, they have supported Saddam and his regime to start the war against Iran, and we know that he was fooled into attacking Kuwait. This was part of the plan and part of the American dream to have a foothold in the Middle East.
I am an Australian second generation Arab, and can tell you that I can freely write such letters and have it published in Australia. I dare and challenge any paper in the Middle East region to print my article.
I bet that an Arab in any Arabic Country will not dare write such a letter and no paper or any other media will dare publish such letter for him Then where is the freedom?
Where is Islam?
