Arabs must unite [Archives:2005/829/Letters to the Editor]

March 31 2005

John Shannon
[email protected]

In reply to Hassan Al-Haifi's article, “After 60 years: A dead Arab League Summit meeting,” I suggest that the GCC soon will become the dominant (and dynamic) political organization representing the Arab world.

I believe the sooner Arab nations follow the EU and EC examples, creating a unified nation while respecting the rights and traditions of it's individual member states, the better by far, for Arab nations and their people.

Larger powers can divide and conquer smaller nations, either militarily or, more common these days, economically and culturally. There is strength in numbers, it is easy to break one stick, it is not easy to break 15 bound tightly together.

The weakness of the Arab world over the last century has been larger powers cutting deals with one Arab nation, to the detriment of other Arab nations. This causes resentment among members of the Arab League, preventing or hindering progress. Larger powers, (read, the U.S.A.) are experts at doing this.

The prosperous, well-governed Europe we see today did not just happen all by itself. This process of building a secure union, started in the 1950's. So it's taken this long to achieve greatness. Look at the result! And the EU is STILL a work in progress – even now and getting better by the day.

However, I must say that the EU is much remiss in not recognizing the supremacy of God in their constitution and I take offence with the banning of headscarves and other religious attire in some EU countries. So, the EU still has some important things to work out yet. But surely Muslim nations would get those two things right off the bat.

If Arab leaders can get it together now, similar success can be sweeping the Arab world in five, ten or twenty years. If it takes longer, fine. At least get working on it, so that each Arab state does not end up being consumed and owned by a non-Muslim/non-Arab world power.

Because, at that time, Hassan, you and all Arab people will find out what it really means to be powerless.