Attariq [Archives:2003/697/Press Review]

December 25 2003

23 Dec. 2003
Min headlines:
– Journalists demand sticking to the date of holding their conference on February 21
– 3 died and tens infected by malaria in Al-Mallah district
– Mediation to solve dispute between al-Fadhli and al-Awlaqi failed
Columnist Abdulkareem Abdulla al-Saqqaf wrote an article on judiciary reform saying that judiciary has all tasks and authorities that it should undertake and it is extremely necessary for it to be away from any failures and weakness. Its prestige should be safeguarded and must entertain trust of individuals and bodies inside and outside. There is a wide gap between what situation the judiciary must be in and its present situation. The main causes of the present situation of judiciary lie in the general circumstances and conditions around it politically, security and administratively. It lacks the political stability and there are the security failures as well as the deteriorating living conditions. Feature of the judiciary crisis are part of and an image of the general crisis.
The beginning of conducting a general reform of the ruling system from its deteriorated situations is the main basis for not only reforming the judiciary but rather the inlet for reformation of the general conditions surrounding it and influencing it negatively and positively. Beginning for realization of a comprehensive reform is the creation of comprehensive development and receiving investments characterised by security and safety.