Attariq [Archives:2006/908/Press Review]
27 Dec.2005
Main headlines
– Expected changes include governors, undersecretaries & government institutions
– Trial postponement of a Yemeni returned from Guantanamo
– Sana'a Forum for cooperation summit in Aden
– Aden journalists reject the new press draft law
– Casualties of confrontations in Saada prison increase
Columnist Fadhl Ali Abdullah discusses in an article the question of judiciary independence saying corruption of judiciary means corruption of public life and loss of human rights as well as increase of injustice against the people. The existence of decent and independent judiciary means the realization of justice and equality and guarantee of human rights as thus all would be equal before the law. This creates a feeling with the ordinary citizen of the importance of affiliation to the homeland as being a citizen entertaining all rights and imposed on him the same duties.
Proceeding from this, the state is obliged to provide necessary and enough financial resources to enable the legislative power to perform its work in an impartial and decent way. Since the judiciary independence is the basis for any political reform in any state, we in Yemen are in great need to struggle for the achievement of this condition as a foundation for any reform. Therefore we call on all political, legal and judicial activities to work for the realization of this goal due to its importance and necessity. There is no reform without fair and independent and no justice without a judge deciding among people according to the law. Here is no homeland without decent and independent judiciary.