Austrian Tourists Doctors Visit Some Hospitals in Taiz [Archives:1999/07/Governance] In spite of the recent kidnapping and terrorist incidents, tourists are still coming to Yemen…. archive February 15 1999
Al-Khawkhah: Exquisite Conventions [Archives:1999/06/Governance] Visiting some places in the Tihama gives one an immense pleasure. To go there and… archive February 8 1999
Taiz Smuggling Continues to Harm National Industry [Archives:1999/01/Governance] Local industries are the pillar of our nation’s economy. But due to the influx of… archive January 4 1999
Mareb/Sana’a German Captives Speak of their Ordeal [Archives:1999/01/Governance] After being held captive for 25 days (December 6-31) by the Bani Dhabyan tribe, four… archive January 4 1999