Creating development [Archives:2006/927/Letters to the Editor]

March 9 2006

Mariam Al-Masani
[email protected]

For a functioning local government, it is essential to have an independent auditor who annually reports the budget to the public at least once a year, and in this budget you can see the priorities of the current government. The Canadian Speech to the throne is an example. Every government in the developed world worries about every files being head accountable.

It is essential for development to succeed that it works from the bottom up, to involve everyone, and work to find involve the most marginalized. There are various degrees of delegated power and of tokenism. Delegated power varies from citizen control, which would mean a successful development project (not government control). Then there are various degrees of tokenism, where the government is control, ranging from consulting to manipulation.

If we as citizens do not take control of our development, and have actual power and say in the design of our development projects, they will fail. Our government will collect less tax and our government officials have smaller bonuses. Everybody loses. Delegating power, as painful as it is will increase government official's salaries, while creating development projects that benefit everyone, especially the most marginalized.