Hopeless in Yemen [Archives:2006/943/Letters to the Editor]

May 4 2006

You need to know that I am one of the most admiring readers of your magazine, and your writing. I would like to give you world break news regarding new currents related to the Supreme Commission for Elections and Referendum, hoping you advertise this information in one of your up-coming editions.

I am native Yemeni, holding a Bachelor's Degree in Commerce and Economics. I graduated from Sana'a University in 2001. Yet I still have not obtained a job either in the government or private industry. The Supreme Commission has made us, first organize the next elections since I am one of the applicants in the government. I was found in the first round of applicants, but I wasn't in the next round. This means I am not going to join this election. This is not the only reason, since the officers in the Supreme Commission have substituted me for other people who are not qualified. All of this is not fair tome nor to a lot of other applicants.

We went to the Supreme Commission for Election and Referendum to object, but they did not want to listen saying we didn't have any right to offer any objections. This indicates the deceit and cunning in our democracy country with regards to mediations. There are many like me from all over Yemen still sitting in front of the Supreme Commission doors waiting for their right to join the organization of the next elections. All of them abused by the Supreme Commission officers who give the prerogatives to some other person who doesn't want to join in on this election's organization.

[email protected]