Impressions of AMIDEAST students on the Yemen Times [Archives:2006/945/Letters to the Editor]

May 11 2006

A few weeks ago, the Yemen Times received a number of bright Yemeni youth enrolled in the Access program of AMIDEAST, Sana'a branch. They were a delight to meet, and in order to let us know their impressions of the visit they sent us tens of letters.

It was a pleasure reading them all, and we thought we could share a few of them with our readers.

Dear editor

I am so glad to write this thanks letter to tell you all about our impression after our visit to the most famous news paper in Yemen which is written in English.

It was a great happy event when our team leader announced that we will go to Yemen Times news paper's premises. We were very happy because it's a great chance to see that marvelous institute and I want in this letter to offer the thankfulness and gratitude for you- on behalf of my friends for giving us your time, exertion and regard and it was a laurels for us to meet those people who perform that important and noble job.

Actually the words can not express my admiration towards your wise administration and the amazing work that the journalists perform. We realize that all this handwork is just to present the truth and the best to the readers and to instruct the world of our country and culture.

Ultimately I want to thank you again and I want you to forgive us if we caused you any kind of bothering and be always ahead.


Elham Al-Shamiri.

Some weeks ago, my teacher Depra decided to take my group on a trip. She wanted to help us to know a lot about journalism, so she took us to the Yemen Times. At the beginning, I wasn't very interested about this trip, but my feeling changed when I reached to the place because the agents who work there was very helpful with us and they wanted to tell us a lot about their jobs. The time was short but the trip was very good. I want to thank Mrs. Nadia Al-Sakkaf and all the agents who respected and helped us.

Now I know there are lots of people who have very good qualities so, if anyone wants to see them, he can go to the Yemen Times.

Thank you

Moneera nasher

Level seven

Dear Yemen Times

I want by a few words to thank you for providing this rich newspaper which is full of information.

I wish good luck for you and to improve yourself more and more; I mean by improvement to open a lot of branches for Yemen Times in all the governorates not just in Sana'a. That is to give a lot of chances for all the people who are in those cities to let them read these news, and to give them the chance to write about their different opinions.

Also, I want to thank you for your good greeting, although we took time from your expensive time.

Good luck


Muwadda Al-hady

We propose a vote of thanks to Yemen Times members, especially Mrs. Nadia Al-Sakkaf who allowed us to visit Yemen Times establishment, and show us how does every thing works in order to produce the newspaper.

I would like to thank our guide in this trip Miss. Amel Al-Ariqi, she was very kind and an excellent guide . Actually, I enjoyed this trip and I learned a lot of things about journalism; how do they design journals? And how do they mix the main four colours? And other things. By God's will, I will major in journalism, and I wish I find a job in Yemen Times when I finish my education.

Finally , I would like to say to Mrs. Nadia Al- Sakkaf that ” Thank you very much Mrs. Al-Sakkaf about the letters which you wrote to us, that was very kind of you.

Mohammed Najeeb Mohammed

A student At Amidest

Opportunities in life are few and I don't think that everyone had the chance to go to your newspaper. But lucky me I had it and I really want to thank you for this chance that you have given to me, not just me, but for all the students too. I didn't go to a newspaper before yours and I really enjoyed it a lot, even that I didn't stay for a long time, but I knew a lot of things about journalism and how do you make your newspaper and all the steps to produce the issues. I actually came to learn a lot of things I didn't know before and maybe I would not know about them for the rest of my life. I know that I am not interested in journalism itself, but I like to write. What I mean is that I wont be a journalist in the future, I learned that people could have no interest in a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that they don't have to know about it and I was one of them but not any more, because now I think journalism is an exciting job and I want to know more about it, so maybe I will know more in your newspaper or other newspapers.

At the end I want you to know that I am really grateful for you and all the people who work with you.

Munia Khaled Al-Reaini

Level 7

It is really an honor for us that our modest letters will be read by a Newspaper like Yemen Times.

We (Access Students – Amideast) are very happy that we have been given a chance to write for Yemen Times family. So, there are many things we want to thank you for, as English students and Yemeni people in general whether after we visited your newspaper or not.

First of all, after we visited your paper -on Saturday, February 25th, 2006. We realized how you do your job and it's not easy as we thought and it requires a lot of important things especially the responsible, helpful, and hardworking members who met us in every department we visited from the printer man to the editor in chief.

In additional to that it proves the position you get is the prize MEPC lifetime Achievement Award that you won in an official ceremony in Dubai March 6, 2006.

Really you did make us a proud of that when we saw honored in U.A.E. among tens of competitors around Arabic world. That means a lot of things for us because your honor is our honor as Yemeni people in general.

Finally, stay as you are and do your best, we hope more brightness and development for you.

Thank you Yemen Times , thank you Mrs. Nadia Al-Sakkaf.



Dear Ms Nadia. Editor in Chief

I am writing to you to express my thanks and appreciation for the marvelous time I spent during our last visit to your respectable newspaper, Yemen Times.

It was truly an unforgettable visit. I learned so many useful and meaningful things. Briefly speaking , I learned two lessons. the first one, the volume of work and effort in process of publishing a news paper. The second thing, one idea said ” the success does not know something called sexism .”

To me it is becoming more and more dominant, just when I know you are the editor of this great organization.

In the conclusion, thank you for every thing.

Yours sincerely

Tarik A.Al -Arhabi