In Brief [Archives:2006/983/Local News]
Registered voters around the nation
Capital Secretariat
Over more than one million voters will poll today in the capital to choose their candidates for presidency and local councils at both levels of governorates and districts. The number of field committees reaches 2135 with 6405 officials.
The number of voters in Sana'a governorate reaches 494,964 included within a 319 polling centers.
The number of voters heading to polling boxes is over one million. There are 3260 primary committees and subcommittees as well as 494 local committees will administer the electoral process there.
The number of voters expected to poll today in Lahj governorate is 336 thousand at 282 polling centers.
In Hadhramout, the number of voters arrives at 501,115 with 4593 officials to administer the electoral process there.
Included within 161 polling centers, the number of voters in Al-Dhala'e governorate reaches 232,000.
The number of those expected to poll today in Al-Jawf reaches 137,063 with 456 subcommittees.
In Ibb, the number of voters is 1,015,897 and they are included within 488 local constituencies.
Over more than 609,585 voters head to polling boxes in Dhamar today to elect their candidates for the seats of presidency and local councils and they are included within 397 polling centers.
The number of voters expected to poll in Al-Hudeidah governorate reaches 940,379.
About 263,000 voters from Al-Mahweet governorate head to electoral centers to choose their candidates for the presidential and local seats.
More than 491,000 voters in Amran governorate are registered to vote.
In Raymah, the number of voters reaches 162,273, included within 458 electoral committees.
Over more than 54,000 voters in Al-Maharah are expected to head today to polling centers to poll their presidential and local candidates.
Included within 10 local constituencies, the number of voters in Abyan reaches over than 299,000.
More than 180,000 voters from Shabwah head to polling centers.
In Sa'adah, the number of voters expected to poll reaches about 300,000 and around 270 voters in Al-Baidha are expected to poll in these elections and they are included within 285 polling centers.
Final Rallies
Ali Abdullah Saleh wrapped up his campaign Al-Sabeen Square in Sana'a. “You come hear welling to express your solidarity with the republic