In brief [Archives:2006/985/Local News]
– Amran discusses
development plans
Sept. 25 ) Amran authorities and chiefs of districts discussed many issues concerned with developing performance during the remaining quarter of the year. The meeting concentrated on issues of comprehensive development and services, pondered upon as part of the local authority's duties.
– Yemen looks at free
trade with China
Sept. 24 ) Dr. Mohamed Hamoud Al-Wadhn, Deputy Chairman of Free Zones General Authority discussed with the Chinese Consular different aspects of cooperation with regard to investment, trade and development between the Aden Free Zone and the Chinese free zones. The meeting discussed several benefits and facilitations, which the Aden Free Zone offers investors, particularly the Yemeni Investment Law.
– School results
Sept. 25 ) Students are due for secondary school results for both scientific and literary sections to be announced today. Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Jawfi, Minister of Education, said the results and the related information together with the names of the first ten students will be announced in a press conference. Al-Jawfi further indicated that all students can receive their results via SMS services on the number 160.
– Awareness programs
Sept. 27 ) The National Society for Fighting AIDS is due to launch in Dhamar this week its training and awareness activities on AIDS in different districts in the governorate.
The event covers lectures, symposiums and field visits to spread awareness among people about the epidemic's risk, how it communicates and the precautionary means, in addition to providing locals with information about the status of awareness activities on AIDS at the local level and internationally.
In cooperation with the Reproductive Health Program in Dhamar governorate, the society held 20 awareness courses in several districts, which provided training for nearly 550 local community leaders, mosque preachers, media personnel, educators and workers of health labs on how to fight the epidemic and protect people from its risk.
– 70% of Nursery Institute project implemented
Sept. 27 ) Implementation of Nursery Institution project in the University Hospital in Ma'abar city, 30 km north of Dhamar, is underway. The project is worth 204 million Yemeni Riyals.
Secretary-General of Dhamar University, Helal Al-Ray'ie, clarified that 70 percent of the project has been implemented, pointing out that the Nursery Institute aims to make out of students skilled nurses to server their society.