Information TechnologySana’a U. will use more Microsoft legally [Archives:2004/798/Local News]
Yasser Mohammed Al-Mayyasi
An agreement was signed Dec. 8 between Sana'a University and Microsoft Co. to provide integral solutions for electronic study.
It will enable more than 70,000 students and professors in Sana'a University to benefit from most modern IT Higher Education.
Sana'a University will also publish Microsoft Electronic Study – Learning Gateway Applications, which will provide a comprehensive group of functions and services of higher education institutions in Yemen.
Learning Gateway provides educational content and examinations, providing the academic world with data bases and the contacts among students and their teachers electronically.
Dr. Saleh Basurrah, the chairman of the university, emphasized that Sana'a University will be one of the first higher education institutes in Yemen to provide lawful copies of Microsoft Office Desktop in its services and research centers.
This will enable the university to inaugurate the program of “Electronic International Driving License” known as ICDL in addition to obtaining IT Academy syllabuses.
In a word from Microsoft Company, Mujdy al-Musry said that the agreement will develop research skills, explorations and thinking as well as provide the students with skills and tools to benefit from the fast developments in Information Systems.