Interview with Mr. Mowafaq Ali Qalalh,  Principal of Al Mutasim School. [Archives:2001/03/Reportage]

January 15 2001

When was the school deemed?
It was established in 1984, and we started with 24 classes, now we have 30 classes.
How many students are there in the school?
There are more than 3,100 students in school, 1,750 male and 1,350 females. The school is divided in two shifts; morning for high school and evening shift from first level to sixth standard.
And how many teachers are there in the school?
We have 112 teachers out of which 53% male and 47% female teachers. This number is relatively insufficient that we sometimes need volunteers to cover the lack in teachers. This is very ironic when seeing that there are many teachers who are without employment standings, isnt this very sad?
It is noticed that many schools have damaged chairs and furniture on the roofs, could you tell us why so?
Firstly, I want to tell you why these chairs were damaged in the first place. There are many reasons but I could tell you a few:
1.There are between 100- 150 students in every class. The crowding this way will obviously cause damage to furniture especially if classes as small as 6x 7 or 6x 8 meters in size.
2.Two shifts in school, and the kind of students who use these chairs change from morning to evening.
3.There arent specialized supervisors who organize students activities and control maintenance of school property.
4.Students generally suffer different feelings, which there is no outlet for. They all are in sensitive age and possess great energy without direction. Most of the time fights start because of rebels in school and it becomes very difficult to stop students from going violent in higher grades.
5.Absence of educational awareness in the society as a whole. Especially in the capital. Most of the students parents dont cooperate with the school, in fact some parents dont even know which grade their children are in.
What is the budget specified for the school by the Ministry of Education?
There is no budget allocated for the school by the Ministry. Our expenditure is obtained from student fees. In fact out of that itself we give 65% to the Ministry of Finance and 5% to the Ministry of Education general secretariate. Which leave us with 30% for the school activities all year. This in addition to the rent of the school cafeteria which the school benefits from.
Last comments?
There is an important issue I want to throw light on, that is the essence of education has gone down miserably with time. Education in Yemen before 10 or 15 years was considered on the most standard in the Arab world. Very organized and much more systematic. We need an educational revolution in all states of the country. Only this way, will we make a better future for ourselves and the generations to come.
