Italians help Conference on fighting diabetes across Yemen [Archives:2003/03/Local News]

January 20 2003

The 3rd Italian-Yemeni Conference was concluded last Thursday at Aden Hotel after 2-day meetings discussing diabetics, its effects on heart diseases and its relation to other diseases like ENT, eye and kidney.
Eighteen working papers were presented by eighteen Yemeni specialists from Yemeni universities and 16 Italian specialists coming for various Italian universities, and more than 300 attendants were present at the conference.
In the inauguration, Dr. Abdulnasir Al-Muniabari Minister of health and population delivered a welcoming speech, indicating the great benefits expected from the conference and reflected on the good relations between Yemen and Italy. He emphasized that this conference will develop the medical exchange between the two countries and in other fields, hoping that the conference could offer some solutions to many medical problems existing in the Yemeni society.
. Taha Ahmed Ghanim, governor of Aden, expressed in his speech his hope that the conference would be able to address the diabetic problem in Yemen and result in some guidance in tackling the
problem locally. He pointed to the governmental efforts in executing such projects under the wise patronage of President Ali Abdulla Saleh.
Dr. Abbas Zabarah Secretary General of the Yemeni-Italian Friendship Society expressed his pleasure with the conference, indicating that it has come after persistent efforts by members of the society from both sides, as well as the ministry of health and the Italian embassy in Sana’a. He also expressed his concern that the disease has spread widely in Yemen and in the world in general.
The Italian ambassador Mr. Giacomo Sanfelice di Monteforte conveyed his thanks to the participants and the contributors to the success of the conference, and mentioned that this is a chance for expertise exchange between the two countries. Mr. Sanfelice confirmed his country’s support for such activities and for Yemen in general and pointed out that Italy would provide medical assistance to Yemen and support in facing diabetic disease. The conference is considered a progressing step in combating diabetic diseases in Yemen and its influences to other diseases.
