It’s a war against Islam [Archives:2003/666/Letters to the Editor]
Craig Little
[email protected]
I read this article of Hassan Al-Haifi entitled “The Trojan horse in modern Islam” and to be honest, I can't make heads from tails of it. Just who are you talking about here? Khawarij? These so called Wahhabis? The salafis? Who are you talking about? Your speech is at best confusing and doesn't really make sense. You are talking in riddles about groups established by other groups without naming the groups.
Point is this has a lot to do with the Muslims attitude. You have to realize though that this whole war on terrorism is a war on Islam. I work for the USA military and it just came to us here that the US will send 200 US army Chaplin's (Christians) with 10 aides each to try and spread Christianity in Iraq. If you would like a copy of the memo please email me, I will send you a hard copy in the mail and a scanned version in email.
Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him) till you follow their religion. ……..(Al-Baqarah 2:120)
Keep blaming the Muslims, there is fault there. When you do this you only strengthen the position of the non-Muslims who want to wage war on you. I know, I work for them, I hear their speech. Your time will come too and it will be your own fault when they do arrive in their tanks and planes bombing your kids.
I would give you people the 'salam' but I question your Islam. You guys got it so wrong. You Arabs aren't half as smart as you think. The Arab is nothing without Islam, get your Islam right and the rest will go right. We are waiting for you over here. Get it together and we will support you, and we aren't talking only about in a military sense. Till then, you will remain the losers.