Letters to the Editor [Archives:1999/35/Letters to the Editor]

August 30 1999

For many years, we have been studying very hard and doing our best to get high averages at the secondary school to join the university and then to get jobs. Some students joined private universities and others joined a government university. Unfortunately, those students who joined the private universities are faced by a decision. This decision stipulates that the graduation students of the private universities are not allowed to get jobs at the governmental sectors. It is said that this decision decided by the high minister of the civil services. I am sure that it is thought that because these students joined private universities that mean they have money.
In fact, every one has money but there are many classes. Therefore, it is not a matter of money but these students had joined the private universities because of the following reasons:
1-There are not enough departments at the government university, especially, here is Taiz such as scientific Dept.
2-In the Government University, there are many students in the same department. In other words, it is very crowded.
There are also other reasons but they shouldn’t be mentioned. Through Yemen Times, I am writing to whom it may concern. On behalf of my poor friends, we are calling the minister of the civil services to do something for us or to find a solution otherwise it is disaster.
Another point I want to explain is that some of poor friends who have graduated three or two years ago, went to get licenses to make their own business. These poor friends were heard the news says that they don’t know these universities or they have never heard about them.
If it is like this treatment, then I have some questions to be raised; why did they give them license to open private universities?! Why do they encourage private universities? For the last time I am asking this question WHAT IS OUR FATE?!
Abdulaziz Al-Boreiheg
Taiz, National University.
Many thanks to all the workers of Yemen Times headed by the son of the late, Yemen Times founder, and a special thank to the Managing Editor for his beneficial articles that are always of vital importance because of the phenomenon and the social problems it discusses. I have been reading Yemen Times for the last three years and I benefit from it in two ways. I read it for information and for new vocabulary to improve myself in English.
My suggestion, which I hope you will take into consideration is to add a new paper to the press that will concern with English literature. We would like to participate in short verses and romantic writings and we will be very glad and thankful if we are given a chance to do that through our mother, Yemen Times.
Thank you, very much to Yemen Times and I wish her a brighter future.
By: Fuad Al-Sabri
I Vote for Najeeb Al-Shaabi
I am really happy to see such a newspaper and such a website coming out to keep us up to date on the “happy Land’s” news. Thank you all for making this possible. Let’s make a good use out of this. I am really interested to know everything about Najeeb the presidential candidate. Why are they making it difficult for him to run against Ali. We are approaching the 21st century and I think it is time for giving some else a shot, don’t you? Please let me know if I am wrong. I wish I were in Yemen for this election, I would run an independent campaign for Najeeb. I like his educational background and by God I hope he means everything he said in the Yemen Times last interview. I Have to make this short, but this what I have to say to Mr Najeeb: Please Don’t give up and remember this ” In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins not through strength, but through persistence” Good luck and you have my VOTE.
Ali Al-Humaid
–Mail :[email protected]
My name is as stated above. I am 27 years old. I was born in Somalia/Africa. My grandparents are originally from AL-BEYDA, in the northern part of Yemen. I have finished my MBA (Master Of Business Of Administration – Marketing) this year. I have been in India for quite long time.
I came across this website by accident and really didn’t believe my eyes when i saw many educated Yemenis around the world. I would also like to thank YEMEN TIMES for introducing the (YEMENIS ABROAD) page on the Internet at www.yementimes.com/yemenis.html.
To be frankly with you, I didn’t like outside my country or here, but I have to stay to finish my studies and get the experience that I would need when I go back to my homeland.
I would like to see political changes in Yemen that will improve the living standards. I have a lot concern for the people of Yemen especially in this age of technology and to overcome the ultimate evil Qat and they will prosper and eventually be like Gulf countries.
Dear brothers, let us eliminate the following obstacles:
1) Qat
2) Bribery
3) Corruption
4) Sheikhs
5) Illegal weapons in the streets
6) Unjustice
7) Monopolies
8) Uneducated politicians
9) Ignorance
I wish Yemen would improve in many ways: politically, economically, socially and also I wish all Yemenis prosperity.
I love my country dearly and I have all my families there i only wish the best in our life. We are in a strategic position in the region, and let us hope that all foreign investors come our land and invest and lets pray for them hospitality. The main problem facing our country is the unlimited expenditure of the qat, and it creates problems in the families or in the country. Is it possible to limit chewing qats or stop it? And I am sure it won’t create any problems. That is to all our brother qat chewers.
By the way, my interest is Internet surfing and reading and listening to music. I really like to get in touch with my Yemeni brothers and sisters, and please e-mail me as soon as read my profiles and you can ask me what ever suggestions or comments you have.
Any one who seeking help in the commerce and Business administration fields are welcome to contact me.
Abdull Alawi Salah
–Mail :[email protected]
Aurangabad – india
Most Yemenis are Racists
I originally from Yemen born in East Africa and only visited that country a couple of times. Well what can I tell you? I visited it during the Communist regime and visited after that I visited the united Yemen. But to tell you the truth they have a long way to go. If you have a doubt about what I m saying, please write to me because I suffered from racism a lot in Yemen. Many people in Yemen are extremely racist. People there don’t care if you are holding a Yemeni passport or a different passport. They don’t care if you were originally from Yemen or not. They only look at your skin, and where you are from. After looking at you and hearing your accent, they immediately consider you not a Yemeni and do not belong to Yemen. Well I a m better off without them. They are too because I will only go back to Yemen if I had no other place on this earth to go. May god help these people and enable them to understand the true value of human being.
Saleh Mzalendo
Dear Editor,
At first, I would like to introduce my pleasure and love to Yemen Times.
Yemen Times which millions of people love and think of it as the best newspaper in Yemen or maybe in the Middle East.
Would you believe me if I told you that Yemen Times helped me much in improving my English because I always read Yemen Times and that gave me a lot of words especially new ones.
At the end, I thank all the staff of Yemen Times C.E./Walid Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf, and M.E./Mohammed Al-Qadhi. Faithfully yours,
Talat Al-Ariki
