Letters to the Editor [Archives:2000/39/Letters to the Editor]

September 25 2000

I enjoyed very much the interview with Judith Labs about the German Teaching Center in Sanaa and the establishment of the German House.
It would be great, if the Yemen Times could indeed publish a German page (or half page) in future. This could be a strong contribution to further build the relationship between the two countries and facilitate more cultural exchange.

Thomas Ricke
[email protected]
PUBLISHING a German page is included in our future plans to develop the paper. We are presently studying this issue and we hope your wish will be fulfilled.

I read a small article in an Egyptian newspaper that a Yemeni man is claiming to have found Noaha arc in one of Yemens mountain tops. Would it be possible for you to e-mail me more information about this story?
Thank you and best regards,

Amre Soliman
[email protected]
WE have no confirmed information yet on this subject. We will try our best to gather factual and documented information as soon as possible to be published in our future issues.

IT was very nice to go through the article of the chief editor Mr. Waleed Al-Saqqaf under title A day at the airport. His view point that, This is simply one example that shows no matter what we do with the furniture or design or cleanliness of the airport, it is impossible to have it enhanced unless qualified and trained officers are in charge.
The action of the security manager in itself is an irresponsible action showing that we still need to go a long way to offer acceptable service. It is not the place that is needed for repair and enhancement, but rather the mentality of people in charge, is rather very apt. Not only you in Yemen, but we Indians in India are also facing similar problems. The lines – It is not the place that is needed for repair and enhancement, but rather the mentality of the people in charge! – is an alert message to all governments as well as private organizations to heed to. Humbleness and modest language and activity always impress and attract people of all genres. What he said is to be practiced by all nations to build a friendly association with the officers and the common people. They expect this from the concerned officials.

Anil Pillai
[email protected]
